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Guest Speaker Friday at 6PM

PLEASE JOIN US FRIDAY at 6PM Central Time for our Next Step Meeting - Link on our homepage - We will have a special guest speaker!!!

✴️We are EXCITED about our guest speaker in Friday the 20th…LisaBeth (aka LB) is a healing and wellness consultant and an empowerment teacher and speaker, working with individuals and corporate teams to minimize chronic pain and illness so they can really live the way they dream.

✴️She was a massage therapist for over ten years and has certifications in nutrition coaching and fitness instruction. She became a fitness instructor to teach her somatically-based, low-impact movement method, Intuitive Movement Integration she created in 2014. The IMI method illuminates the gentle power of feminine “yin” energy for restoring health and fitness. She uses the foundations of posture and body-awareness taught in IMI classes to connect ergonomics to health in the corporate sphere.

✴️She is the author of a book that (vulnerably) shares her winding path to recovery and wellbeing, the far-reaching benefits of the IMI method, and her vision of corporate collaboration for a healthy society: "Align Your Body, Align Your Life: Quit Bending Over Backward and Getting Ahead of Yourself - Be Well with Inner Alignment - " is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble;

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