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Women Empowering Women Support Groups
Our Future holds "Growth"...
Women Empowering Women Support Groups were created as a resource for women to find community, support, and assistance for issues they may have in their lives. Traditionally, women have limited resources, whether geographical, economic, relationship abuse or controlling partners, lack of daycare, mental health issues, addiction, etc. The founder of our organization, Kimberly Sprintz, started taking tools that worked in her recovery process to her local community, first by applying step twelve in her life as a sponsor and beginning the first Women's Only CoDA program in the Houston area. Then, the idea of Next Step was born, and the weekly meetings and workshops had a huge attendance nationwide and overseas. We are now a large group of women representing many demographics with a common thread... our experience of being female worldwide. We will continue to provide access to an exclusive community of supportive and committed women helping each other reach their most significant potential. We have a structure that will enable women who share this commitment to their growth process to share it within their communities. This is where the "Community Ambassador Program" comes in.
The Community Ambassador Program
This program is a way to profoundly impact our local community of women who need support. This means that women can take what they are learning into their communities as leaders of their weekly meetings online or in person. We have the structure and plug-in-play format to assist them in bringing our meetings and their meetings to the platform of WEW. We aim to see the Ambassadors volunteer in their communities through fundraisers, community events with other organizations, public speaking, professional assistance, job placement, mental and medical healthcare, etc. As the Ambassadors find local resources, they will add their findings to our ever-growing list of resources on our Next Step Website. We can host retreats and wellness programs; the sky is the limit. If our ambassadors have particular interests or skills they feel can benefit other women; they will be encouraged and supported by our organization to help them achieve their unique vision. There is also room for resources for children/teens and young adults, LGBTQ+ meetings, recovery meetings, and more.
Inspirational Mentors
This program will be filled with inspirational members who wish to share their personal success stories using a pen name or their given names. They will have a unique profile blog page on our Next Step website highlighting their stories, a place to share material, and anything that helped them achieve their goals. They can host "Friday Night Next Step Meetings" and their "Workshops and Events." Suppose you have overcome what you once felt was impossible; if you think your story can inspire others to reach their goals and enjoy a healthier and happier life, we want to hear from you. We will hold video interviews for those who feel called to participate in our Mentors Program. Contact us at wewsupport@icloud.com to discuss.
Blog Contributors
Are you a budding writer? Would you like to share your stories with the world? Perhaps you would like to write reflections after attending meetings, share your success stories, recovery journey, etc. If you want to be a blogger for WEW, contact us at wewsupport@icloud.com. This fills a HUGE need for content, and we also need VIDEO BLOGGERS. We will set up a YouTube channel to add your videos to your private page on our website, which your members can access.
Fundraiser Mavens
Do you have a knack for finding sponsors for groups? Have you planned benefits, had investors, or hosted local or online fundraisers? Are you connected to other non-profits or organizations that help women and children? This is a HUGE need for our organization since we are new and need funds to function at a level where we can help the most people. We want scholarships for women who need to attend training, school, therapy, self-care training and workshops, healthcare, and mental health resources. We have to have consistent donations to meet these goals.
A board of directors must be established to stay a Non-Profit in Texas. If you feel you could benefit our organization...we need to hear from you. Please submit an email explaining why you think you would be an asset to our organization to wewsupport@icloud.com. We will have a FORUM MEETING to discuss with all who want to get involved in brainstorming and see if there is a way to work together to make our organization flourish
Kimberly Sprintz, Chairman, Director & Founder
Michael Sprintz, D.O. Medical Director and Healthcare/Addiction Programs
With the help of the above programs, we feel our group will dramatically change our local communities, and healthy people will help heal our world. Let's do this and show the world that WOMEN can change it for the better because we are INNOVATIVE, CARING, NURTURING, CREATIVE, SUCCESSFUL, PASSIONATE, worthy, and deserve to be seen as the valuable humans we are. Our beliefs limit us; do you have the motivation to help others? We believe we are better together and hold the power the world desperately needs. Let's make a difference...are you ready?
Thanks for playing a role in making our vision a reality...you are CELEBRATED!