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WEW Accountability Banking Program
Wednesday's in November
6:30 PM CST

More about our program:

The Accountability Banking Program meets to help empower women around their finances. The meeting will include a group discussion around a financial topic along with answering these five questions:


  1. Did I set a financial goal this week? (If not, you can set one now?)

  2. Did I achieve the goal?

  3. What contributed to my success or miss?

  4. Where else in my life do I show up like this?

  5. How can I help myself now?



From The Leader:

My name is Dan’e. I am a founding member of WEW since its inception and currently host the Tuesday night ACA Step Study meeting. I can’t forget the feeling I had when I came to my first WEW CODA meeting. I was scared, nervous, and feeling defeated. It was this community of women that I leaned on for support. As I grew stronger, I could support the weight of some women leaning on me. My life has changed drastically for the better, but my financial life is not what I want it to be. I put this program together with the hopes that this would be a space to give and receive support for myself and other women who want to create a different financial reality for themselves. 

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